Republic Steel Facility

Baltimore, Maryland

Arc Environmental completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and a hazardous material survey of this abandoned approximately 40 acre former stainless steel manufacturing facility in mid-2007. Based on information gathered during the Phase I ESA, Arc Environmental performed a focused Phase II ESA, which included soil and groundwater sampling to determine if former/current Site operations caused environmental impacts to the property. Due to environmental impacts identified during the Phase II investigation and the property’s long industrial use history Arc worked with the client to enter the site into Maryland’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP).

Site issues included potential USTs, ASTs (250 gallon to 250,000 gallons in size), electrical equipment containing PCBs, discarded 55-gallon drums, illegally dumped solid waste (over 6,000,000 pounds) and regulated waste, oil and water filled former industrial pits, discarded compressed gas cylinders (CGCs), hundreds of small containers (<5 gallons) filled with various unknown liquids, mercury containing switches and light bulbs, and metals and petroleum impacted soil.

Arc Environmental negotiated with MDE to enter the two non-contiguous parcels that compose the Site under one VCP application, reducing fees to client and expediting the project through the VCP. Arc Environmental also secured grant funding for the MDE requested Supplemental Phase II ESA from the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC) and for Site environmental cleanup and remediation from the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED).

Video narrated by Michael Clark, property developer

Arc Environmental completed the characterization, consolidation, and proper disposal of the hazardous and regulated materials as well as the cleaning of the oil and water filled industrial pits. On-site solidification of sludge contained in the pits reduced transport and disposal costs.

During Site cleanup activities vandals entered the former Site substation building looking for copper. In the process these vandals caused the release of approximately 250 gallons of PCB containing oil into the substation building. Arc Environmental performed the initial spill cleanup and is currently working with the US EPA to properly characterize the materials affected by the release for proper disposal. Arc Environmental negotiated with EPA to allow site characterization through the use of field screening and laboratory verification samples rather than solely by laboratory analysis. Approximately 300 samples were field screened with only 10% sent for laboratory verification, saving the Client approximately $15,000 in laboratory fees.